After 3 years of renting our flat out through 2 ‘BIG NAME’ local estate agents , I really cannot begin to describe the sheer unbridled JOY of using Mark Hillier instead.He has been in the business for a long time,working for those companies and he knows that your average joe does not want to hear all the claptrap,the speil, going through smoke and mirrors.We want,as a landlord and as a tenant-straightforward HONESTY and REALISM.And that’s what you get with Mark from day one.
With our previous experiences,one is only too aware of being a mere cog in a giant corporate money making machine.Once that contract is signed you are handed over from the smooth talking sales person in one office to the laughingly named ‘management team’,a faceless entity in an office miles away from your home.THEY will NEVER foot in your home but at the drop of a hat,at added expense to the overblown fees you have already coughed up,will send an overpriced workman to attend your property if there is some thing wrong.How can I FORGET being asked if I wanted a replacement washing machine and when I said surely you should check the fuse first,I was charged £125!
This is where Mark truly shines!He lives in your area and he KNOWS your property and he will be around in a flash to take a look himself.He will even use your own workmen if that’s what you want.As a landlord and surely as a tenant, he caters for both your needs rather than generating more money for a massive company.
It’s really a no brainer isn’t it?